Responsibilities of UPM Asset Officers in ICT procedures


Serdang, 6 November 2020: Quality Management System, Universiti Putra Malaysia is consulted to ensure that tasks are in accordance with established procedures, guidelines or work instructions. By cultivating SPK, tasks can be implemented well and structured.

The Infocomm Development Center (iDEC) has taken the initiative to hold a Briefing on ICT Maintenance Procedures and Guidelines online on 6 November 2020. Briefing delivered by iDEC ICT Maintenance Process Leader, Tuan Sayid Nazari Sayid Ismail and was attended by all PTJ Asset Officers at UPM as well as the staff of the User Support Division (BSP), iDEC UPM.

As stated in the procedures and guidelines, the list or details of ICT assets should be prepared by the PTJ Asset Officer and submitted to the ICT Section for further action. The list that has been prepared is based on the list of ICT assets that need to be maintained only and need to get confirmation from the Head of PTJ. Maintenance will be held on a scheduled basis set by the respective PTJ ICT Section. Maintenance is held periodically at least once a year.

