Love Rasul and emphasize the writings of Khat and read Jawi!


Serdang, 21 November 2019 : In conjunction with the birth month of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., the iDEC organized a "Majlis Cinta Rasul", co-chairing the "Majlis Bersama Pengarah" at the iDEC Gamma Entrance Hall.

The Majlis Cinta Rasul began with a recitation of the Visitation under the leadership of Mr. Rizal Razak and was accompanied by a Religious Ceremony delivered by the invited guest, Hj. Mohd Riza Hj. Kamaruddin, free preacher (JAIS accredited). Among the essence of the gift is that we should always be thankful, be generous, remember God, make a career of worship and reflect on ourselves in the face of any trials in life.

The event organized by KRiDEC was also graced with a number of competition events such as Menulis Khat Jawi and Sapa Pandai Baca Jawi. Menulis Khat Jawi Competition was won by Mr. Saiful Ramadzan Hairani, Mrs. Shamiza Sharif in second place and Mr. Ahmad Faisal Abd.Ghafar in third place. While the Sapa Pandai Baca Jawi is won by Mr. Ahmad Faisal Abd. Ghafar, Mr. Rizal Razak in second and Ms Sofiyatul Salmi Ismail in third. Congratulations to all the winners!

The ceremony concluded with a speech from Prof. Madya Dr. Fatimah Sidi, Director of Information and Communication Development Center. She expressed her gratitude that the staff space at iDEC Gamma was fully upgraded on October 31, 2019.

